Wilmington Farmer's Market At Tidal Creek.


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Market Info

The Wilmington Farmer’s Market is located at Tidal Creek Co-op, and is supported by our growing community of farmers and craft vendors. As a collective, we make an effort that only allow vendors to sell products produced first hand. We make sure that the growing practices of our produce and deli items meet quality growing standards, as well as being affordable to our customers.  Because Tidal Creek Co-op is community owned, all of our vendors work together to make sure that the market has a diverse selection of local items, that are freshly grown and in season. We strive to bring a great shopping and educational experience to our customers, here at the Wilmington Farmer’s Market.

Wilmington Farmer’s Market

Every Saturday

8am – 1pm

Tidal Creek Cooperative Food Market

5329 Oleander Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403

A Special Thanks to Some of Our Vendors