2014 Eat Local Challenge

EAT LOCAL CHALLENGE_FB Event Banner The Eat Local Challenge is a summer tradition at Tidal Creek! It’s a fun way to get actively involved in doing more to support our local economy. Challenge yourself to increase your local shopping this summer for 4 weeks. It might be easier than you think! The goal of the Challenge is just to eat more local than you do now. How you do it is up to you! Set a goal that’s attainable, but try to get outside of your comfort zone a little too. We’ve put together some helpful resources for you including:

  • Reasons to Eat Local to keep you focused on why we do the challenge!    Why Eat Local
  • Tips for taking the Eat Local Challenge & Helpful Resources for finding local.    Tips & Resources
  • Seasonal Produce Calendar, so you know what’s growing locally.  Produce Calendar
  • Local Menu Ideas to get you started cooking and eating local.    Menu Ideas
  • Make sure you’re signed up for the Eat Local Challenge e-news for recipes, local updates and more. [constantcontactapi formid="1" lists="1106428649"]

This year we are super excited for the EAT LOCAL SCAVENGER HUNT, such a fun way to show your inner Locavore!!! Share, connect with and inspire your fellow challengers. From June 16 – July 15, have fun collecting up as many of the 20 ‘Eat Local Challenges’ as you can. All challenges are listed on the Scavenger Hunt Form, available to download here and also at the store and posted in the ELC Facebook Event.

Using social media, show us which challenges you have completed by posting or sharing photos. Tag Tidal Creek Co-op and use the hashtags #ieatlocal2014 and #tidalcreekcoop. Email your completed Scavenger Hunt Form to contest@tidalcreek.coop or drop it by the Customer Service Desk at Tidal Creek Co-op by end of day on July 17th to be considered for the amazing local prizes! Be sure to read the complete ELC Scavenger Hunt Rules here.