Tidal Creek Cooperative Board Meeting
Board Members Present: Tanner Postma, Anthony Garguili, Jane Bace, Melissa Foley, Joe Kertesz, Alison Linthicum, Dana Tart
Also Present: Jessica Burtt, Craig Harris
A. Welcome: Tanner welcomes everyone to the Board Meeting
B. Owner Comments: None
C. Approval of Minutes: Approved as written
D. Board Process Monitoring: 4.4 Board President’s Role; Accepted as written
E. G.M. Report: Jessica gave us an update on the membership numbers; March (3164) and as of today we are up to (3444). Great jump for the Month.
F. Monitoring Report: 2.2 Treatment of Staff; Accept report as submitted, noting non-compliance with acceptance of a plan to reconcile (item 2.) safety policies and procedures. Jessica and Craig are actively working with OSHA and will give the Board monthly progress reports.
2.1 Treatment of Consumers; and 2.4 Financial Planning and Budgeting; Both accepted as submitted.
G. Planning Committee Update: This was a great experience for everyone involved. The Board will be working on a wrap-up of what we discovered through the meetings as well as discussing further action for the future.
H. Farm Tour/ Picnic Committee: Still in the discovery stage.
I. Old Business: None
J. New Business: The Board decided to take time at the end of each Monthly meeting to discuss a pertinent topic in more detail. Topics will be determined at the discretion of the Board members.
K. Evaluation/Comments/Concerns: None
Next Board Meeting; May 24, 2010