Board Members Present: Tanner Postma, Anthony Garguili, Melissa Foley, Jane Bace, Dana Tart, Kathryn Sisler, Bob McFeeters, Alison Linthicum
Also Present: Craig Harris and Amy Fleming
A. Welcome; Tanner welcomes everyone to the meeting.
B. Owner Comments: None
C. Approval of Minutes: Approved as written
D. Board Process Monitoring: 4.2 Board Job Products; We feel there should be a Board presence at each Tidal Creek scheduled event. This already holds true for the most part. Otherwise approved as written.
E. G.M. Report: All is well. Amy’s simplified financial report was approved for future use.
F. Monitoring Report; 2.3 Financial Condition and Activities; Approved as written
G. Planning Committee Update: We should utilize Mike Healy for future preparation of Planning Committee ideas and structure.
H. Old Business: Still seeking the perfect place for our Member wide Spring Picnic Social. Also, Bob will champion the issue of the “living wage” through more research into the subject. He will report back to the Board with a policy proposal.
I. New Business: Our General Managers and Management Teams will come up with a future plan for our store. They are already in the process of brainstorming different scenarios to see what will best fit our store and its needs.
J. Evaluation/Comments/Concerns: None
Next Board Meeting: March 22, 2010