Tidal Creek Cooperative Board Meeting
March 22, 2010
Board Members Present; Tanner Postma, Jane Bace, Melissa Foley, Joe Kertesz, Dana Tart, Bob McFeeters, Anthony Garguili, Alison Linthicum
Also Present: Craig Harris and Jessica Burtt
A. Welcome: Tanner welcomes everyone to the meeting.
B. Owner Comments: None
C. Approval of minutes: Approved as written
D. Board Process Monitoring: 4.3 Agenda Planning; Accepted with non-Compliance-pending a review at our upcoming retreat with Michael Healy, in regards to planning more than 1 month in advance.
E. G.M. Report: All is well.
F. Customer Survey: Customers overall are satisfied with Tidal Creek. Any issues will be addressed at the manager’s upcoming retreat.
G. Monitoring Report: 2.0 Global Executive Constraint; Approved as written.
H. Monitoring Report: 2.2 Treatment of staff; Move to April agenda, but keep on March calendar cycle in future.
I. Monitoring Report: 2.8 Communication & Support; Accepted with compliance.
J. Planning Committee Update: Reviewed minutes from last two Planning Meetings. The next meeting will be on April 13th with Tanner and Bob, regarding Co-op Business Models.
K. Creating Board Annual Report: We will create the report in June to be published in the next newsletter which has a deadline for publication of July 1st. This will be a May Board Meeting Agenda item.
L. Newsletter Topic Time: Alison will be penning our contribution to each newsletter. The Board, as a whole, during scheduled Board meetings, will discuss topics and information to be included.
M. Utilizing Social Media: The Board will forward our Agenda and Minutes to J.R. Anthony will monitor our Board Blog.
N. Retreat Planning: The date is set for Sun. May 16th. One topic will focus on the functioning, or nuts and bolts, of the Board’s inner workings; ex. Agenda Planning. And one topic will be regarding an educational subject; ex. Expansion-yes or no, and if so, how to deal with competition when it arises?
O. Volunteer Research: Postpone until next newsletter.
P. Saturday Board Tabling: Joe will be available one Sat. during April to interact with our members and also allow them the opportunity to fill out a comment card if they wish. This will be a trial to see if this form of Board presence is desired by our membership.
Q. Farm Tour/ Picnic Committee: Tanner will champion this committee and will seek out interested cohorts to help plan this tour/picnic, to be happening in the Fall.
R. Old Business: None
S. New Business: Melissa Foley will be resigning from the Board as of June 15th, 2010, as she is moving out of State. Melissa has been a positive force on our Board and will be truly missed.
T. Evaluation/Comments/Concerns: Jessica requested that a member who is moving away be allowed to collect their membership monies through resignation. It was allowed.
Next board meeting: April 26, 2010